News Paid $5,000 for a Cindy Anthony Interview


More Caylee Anthony Photos, More “Licensing”

today_10-21.jpgTipsters tell TVNewser that NBC News paid $5,000, for a “Cindy Anthony interview.” Cindy Anthony is the mother of Casey Anthony who is in jail on murder charges in the case of her daughter, Caylee. The interview took place on the Today show last Wednesday.

An NBC spokesperson tells TVNewser, “NBC News does not pay for interviews. NBC News paid a nominal licensing fee for photos, which is very common in the industry.”

Last month, a tipster told TVNewser that a “major media organization” helped fund the bail for then-jailed mom Casey. An ABC News insider told us the company paid upwards of $200,000 to license images and video for a 20/20 report. The figure was not confirmed by ABC, although they did tell TVNewser they licensed footage from “rights holders.”

Anthony wasn’t out of jail long. She’s now facing first-degree murder, manslaughter and other charges after a four-month-long investigation. Caylee, who vanished two months before her third birthday in mid-June, still has not been found. Here are some Casey Videos I found.

~ by Leonidas on October 21, 2008.

7 Responses to “News Paid $5,000 for a Cindy Anthony Interview”

  1. Figures.

  2. They were going to need some way to pay for the defense. I mean even if Baez was pro-bono you still have to pay for everyone else on the defense.

  3. Now that the initial excitement is over about Casey, to pass the time, I thought we could take an informal vote on the issue at hand, assuming that Casey is indeed found guilty of the murder of her daughter Caylee. This is not very complicated and certainly not scientific, but will at least be interesting. All you have to do to vote is click on this link and in the subject line type either FRY if you want to see Casey executed or ROT if you want her locked up in prison for the rest of her life. Of course you may add any additional comments if you would like a reply, but it is not necessary. I will post and update the results once a week, so check back to this site every so often to see which way the wind is blowing. I may be wrong, but based on everything I have gotten so far I believe this will be a no-brainer.

  4. Wow, I can’t believe the response I have received as to voting on the issue of whether Casey should be executed or life in prison if she is convicted. Right now the numbers are running 3 to 1 in favor of execution. The ones that are favoring life in prison are not so much against the death penalty as they view the concept of living the rest of her life behind bars to be much more unpleasant for Casey.


    We all get angry at times and do anger. I have written 31 writings with writing formula’s
    as a teaching tool for the Church to change and save lives.

    We have solved three huge bible mysteries and are looking for a person that
    might like to know about these mysteries. Please contact us below.

    We hope that Caylee Marie will come home alive and well to the many people who have
    come to love her.

    The Mighty God Worldwide Church & William Rock Honey’s

    The Pure and Clean Heart Sculptor ©

    You could read this entire writing every day to keep it fresh in your memory!

    One Clean Your Heart – I am a Wonderful Miracle * Motivated to Totally Clean up *
    My Entire Heart * Mind * Spirit * Soul and My Spoken Words * Bad thoughts could lead me
    to danger and unsolvable problems * I am Only Thinking Pure and Clean Thoughts

    Two Direction – I am a Wonderful Miracle * Motivated to read these directions * It is best
    Not to have attractive people up in front of my mate * or speak of any of those people
    To keep my mate happy * I could obey all laws and never do anything immoral or illegal
    And be cautious about letting unknown people into my home or auto * or too close to me

    Three Determined – I am a Wonderful Miracle * Motivated to be
    Enthusiastic * Determined and Strong and bring honor to myself and my parents *
    Many things I could conceive and believe I could achieve * I could do it now

    Four Receive – I am a Wonderful Miracle * Motivated to have the Best Habits *
    Daily routine * Integrity * Morals and Character * I could search from all angles *
    Arrange everything and ask this way * Is This Okay * then I could receive *

    Five Success – I am a Wonderful Miracle * Motivated to be Persistent * Courageous
    And Responsible and build my Ability and my Priceless Good Name * The formula for Success is *
    A Good Name * Responsibility * Education * Ability and Self Determination *
    I could keep after and seek victory in all that I do * and victory could be mine *

    Six Forgiving – I am a Wonderful Miracle * Motivated to never curse or curse any person *
    It is best not to do Any Arguments * Anger or Vengeance * or use another persons name *
    A Silent Mouth Gathers No Trouble * I could forgive myself now and start over *

    Seven Freedom – I am a Wonderful Miracle * Motivated to never do any Mental Abuse *
    Physical harm or Murder to any person * or beat my children to keep my freedom *

    Eight Saved – I am a Wonderful Miracle * Motivated to never flirt * chase or be sexual *
    With a Married or Taken Person * or cheat on My Mate * Trusting only the people
    I have checked out * It is best to only associate with good people * If it looks to good to be true *
    It Might not be true * I could tend my own business * I could be saved applying all this

    Nine Respect – I am a Wonderful Miracle * Motivated to never steal or tell any lies
    * or lies on any person or desire another’s Valuables or Mate * Respect is value *
    What I value and respect I could keep * what I don’t value I could lose * my last words could be *
    I am glad I valued and spent more time with people who * are important to me

    Ten is Pure Clean Heart – I am a Priceless and Intelligent Spiritual Messenger *
    Caring enough to send a donation to cover the cost getting this writing out * to Totally Clean Up
    The Hearts * Minds * Spirits * Souls and Thoughts of millions of people around The World *
    My Heart is now Pure and Clean and I am Now Reborn * A Brand New Person *

    William Rock Honey is The Prince of Sculptors – He donated all this
    About William Rock Honey – Many inventions in science since 1992 * Worldwide Teacher
    Please Help us cover cost to get this writing out * to Help The Children and Adults on the street * Please Send donations * to this address * The Mighty God Worldwide Church * Mailbox 71707 * 37407 * USA * E-Mail-THEMIGHTYGOD101@YAHOO.COM F2006-H © Copyright 2006 All rights Reserved

  6. Texas Equusearch for Caylee and the Anthonys Defense
    The more people that help search, donate money, etc. The greater the chance of finding Caylee- OOps that is what the Anthonys and the entire defense DO NOT WANT.
    In regards to the Anthonys’ state of mind-
    The number of people wanting to help find Caylee is mind boggling.
    The number of people wanting justice for Caylee is mind boggling. .
    The number of people not wanting to help Casey is mind boggling.
    I think the Anthoneys thought there would be some people wanting to help out an innocent victim, ie. IT.

    If you would like information on donating the TRUE VICTIM(S):

  7. This makes me sick, with this money theu should be paying the cost of the trial this is not the first time they have done this, Justice for Caylee.

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